Mid-Atlantic Health Institute is dedicated to the health and well-being of our patents and staff. At this point, we remain open and in order to keep everyone healthy and safe, we are operating on a limited schedule. Extra time will be provided between patient appointments to allow for extra cleaning and disinfecting. This includes using UV-C lights, disinfectants and PCO antiviral units after every patient visit.
If you have what feels like a cold, STAY HOME!
- Isolate yourself for 14 days.
- Stay Hydrated.
- Treat with cold remedies and nasal decongestants as you would normally treat a cold.
- Consider high doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D.
- Vitamin C can be antiviral in doses above 4,000-5,000.
- Do not take all at once. Spread doses throughout the day.
- If your gut can tolerate, work up to higher doses (as much as 10,000mgs for 2-3 weeks).
- Take 5,000 units of Vitamin D daily for one week.
- Exposure to sunlight and outdoor exercise can help.
- Be sure to maintain safe social distancing to prevent spread of virus.
- Eat well and increase intake fruits and vegetables.
- If it just feels like a cold or mild fatigue, you don’t necessarily need a test. There is a common cold virus spreading through the community that could be causing the symptoms.
If you have trouble breathing:
- Trouble breathing or shortness of breath does not happen with a common cold
- This may be a sign of pneumonia and lung infection
- You may need to be hospitalized and receive oxygen
- Go to the ER
- Let ER staff know your concerns upon arrival and that you need a mask.
- Covid-19 without trouble breathing is not a reason to be hospitalized.
- Even if you test positive, if you do not have trouble breathing you will most likely be sent home and instructed to self quarantine for 14 days.
If you have been exposed to someone who has Covid-19:
- Quarantine Yourself for 14 days.
- Follow procedure above for treating cold symptoms
- Take plenty of Vitamin C
- No need for surgical mask if no symptomsMasks protect others from a virus you may carry, they don’t protect you
- Masks are in short supply. Please save them for the health professionals
If you have a compromised immune system, speak to your doctor about the personal need for a mask.
If you have an Appointment with Mid-Atlantic Health Institute:
- If you have any of the symptoms above or have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, please cancel your appointment.
- STAY HOME and follow procedures above.
- Please do not bring family members or friends to your appointment as we need to limit number of people in the office at one time.
- Approved drivers may be permitted.
- People accompanying patients may be asked to wait in their car.
- Many of our patients have compromised immune systems and it is crucial that we protect their health and well-being.
Know that we are with you in these difficult times and will provide services as the current situation allows. Please check back as we will be updating as the situation develops.